Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Trip to Bonnie Scotland - April 24 - May 14 2019

Heilan' Coo

Who could resist a trip to their birth country? With promises of visiting Edinburgh, Elie, Earlsferry, Stirling, Glasgow, Oban, Fort William, and Skye over a three week trip, including an eight day hike on the iconic West Highland Way, my resistance was putty!!

So, I am meeting my Bruce Trail Hiking buddy Robin, and her husband Peter in Edinburgh on April 25, leaving here April 24! Ray decided not to come and to do more of the things he loves!! Can you guess?? You're right, golf!!!

I have no idea what the Internet is going to be like. I hear it might be hard to upload photos as it can be very slow when you leave the large centres. Who knows. I'll do my best. So check back from time to time and see how our adventures are unrolling!! I also set up a separate blog for the hike, If you are interested in following along on this, check out:

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